India helps create new record for WhatsApp?/ Infosys: US economy looking better

India helps create new record for Whats App?
News Picture WhatsApp messenger hit a new high on Thursday as it sent 10 billion messages in a single day, 6 billion outbound and 4 billion inbound. The company tweeted "new daily record: 4B inbound, 6B outbound = 10B total messages a day! #freebsd #erl..more
Infosys: US economy looking better
News Picture  Infosys co-chairman Kris Gopalakrishnan on Thursday said the US market was looking better, with the growth rate at 2-2.5%. "The US is a vibrant economy and has recovered to some extent. Discretionary spen..more
Amazon Glacier " The Most Affordable Online Backup Service Ever!
News Picture  Price Comparison – Amazon Glacier vs Amazon S3 (1 file = 10 MB)Amazon Glacier is a new online backup service where you can store your files for as little as 1¢ per GB per month. This is the cheapest storage plan offered by any cloud ..more
How to Block Useless Websites from your Google Search Results
News Picture  Block Websites from appearing in your Google Search ResultsGoogle has been getting better at identifying and removing spam websites from their search results pages but sometimes not-so-useful sites do manage to slip through the Google filters. ..more
A Useful Site for Train Travelers in Delhi
News Picture  The Delhi division of Indian Railways maintains a one-page website that offers the current status of trains arriving or departing from the Old Delhi, New Delhi and Hazrat Nizamuddin railways stations. →The charts update automatically and i..more
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