5 little-known things about your gadgets/ PNB facilitates balance enquiry via missed call

5 little-known things about your gadgets
News Picture  Your gadgets may have many hidden features not mentioned in the manual. Here are some little-known facts about how you can put them to multiple use and extract some more value...

Convert your smartphone or tablet into..more
PNB facilitates balance enquiry via missed call
News Picture “Missed Call” the uniquely Indian innovation has found new legitimacy of sorts at Punjab National Bank. Given how a large number of Indians like to give missed calls so as to indicate to the party at the other end to call back, the bank h..more
Review: Zync Z-999 Plus tablet
News Picture You don't have much choice when it comes to low cost tablets with voice calling. Thankfully, Zync has stepped up to the plate with an offering that may surprise you, at a price that will make you smile. As far as appearances go, there's not much to d..more
How to Reach Out to Potential Employers on Social Media
News Picture It’s no secret that employers are incorporating social media into their recruiting plans to find top talent. For job seekers looking to stay current, you know the opportunities exist. But, knowing how to properly reach out may be the ..more
Purported Apple iPad Mini casing pics appear online
News Picture Pictures of a metal shell claiming to be the long-rumouredApple iPad Mini have surfaced on a Chinese microblogging site.The rather suspect-looking casing, pictured above, appeared on the Sina Weibo blog and has been picked up by a few Apple site..more
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