Today's Top Tech News
 | | Govt's Internet spy systems fail to capture 100% data trafficLooks like it might take a bit longer for the government to intercept messages with keywords such as 'ammonium nitrate' or 'bomb' passing through emails, web forums, blogs, social networks and even images.
In a first of its kind live competition held between two spy systems developed by reputed tech arms of India's national security apparatus, both failed to capture 100% internet data traffic, one system.. |
Oracle has a cloud computing secret
There’s a reason Larry Ellison called cloud computing “nonsense” in 2009 and why he still won’t permit Amazon-style metered pricing for Oracle’s mainstream database..
Nearly half the world will become web users by 2016
The Internet economy of the world is projected to increase dramatically by 2016 providing companies and countries a vital source of growth, a report has said.
The biggest driver is the unpreceden..
Wikipedia Completes Transfer Of Sites Away From GoDaddy DNS
Part of the long-running (and far from over) SOPA/PIPA battle was the drawing of lines in the sand by Internet companies. While most recognized the danger of that irresponsible and short-sighted bill ..
Facebook timeline: A few tricks you should know
Just when you thought you had finally figured out Facebook once and for all, here comes a whole new way to spend all your time tinkering with it. Over the next few weeks, every one of Facebook's nearl..
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