Google Maps Now Includes Real-Time Traffic Data / Facebook offers Rs 1.34 cr package to engineering student

Today's Top Tech News
Google Maps Now Includes Real-Time Traffic DataNow if you’re trying to figure out how to get to your job interview or dinner with friends you can also account for what route might be the fastest. Google Maps has added the ability to see the estimated time of your journey using real-time traffic data. The new-and-improved feature offers estimated travel times within Google Maps based on current traffic conditions. So, if you’re heading across ..

Facebook offers Rs 1.34 cr package to engineering student
Social networking giant Facebook has hired an engineering student here for a fat annual pay package of Rs 1.34 crore, one of the biggest offers made to alumnus of any technical institution of the coun..

New Apple CEO goes where Steve Jobs would not
Steve Jobs took particular care to ensure the company he created continued to operate at the high levels he demanded after he left. Thanks to the processes he put in place, the procedures he pined ove..

World's first flexible e-paper display heads into mass production
LG on Thursday unveiled the world’s first plastic e-paper display, which the company claims will “revolutionize the E-Book market.” The 6-inch E Ink display features 1,024 x 768-pixe..

6 Ways to Acquire New Customers via Social Media
We all know social media is an important tool for brand awareness and customer acquisition — but how exactly are you supposed to convert random Twitter and Facebook users into real-life customer..

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