All that you need to know about your camera/ Meet Sony's first curved LED TV

All that you need to know about your camera
News PictureGetting good snapshots is pretty simple if you follow the basics.
Javed Anwer explains camera jargon and helps you with a few tips
to know your camera

On any camera lens, its Focal Range is denoted in 'mm'. For
example, most ..more
Meet SonyĆ¢€˜s first curved LED TV
News PictureSony unveiled a mountain of new gear at IFA press conference, but
for whatever reason it decided to quietly slip this beauty out under all
the noise. Comparable to the 55-inch OLED set that Samsung
unveiled at CES, Sony's new 65-inch, 1080P, S99..more
Google Glass: The future on your face
News PictureWay back in 1945, Vannevar Bush, the director of the US Office of
Scientific Research and Development, wrote a remarkable essay
titled "As we may think." In it, Bush predicted the rise of the worldwide
web. He also wrote that "the came..more
US students to visit India for IT projects
News PictureEighteen students from the University of Michigan US will spend eight
weeks in India in the summer of 2014 to work on various information
technology projects.

They will be going to India under the Global Information En..more
Microsoft-Nokia deal an opportunity for Micromax?
News PictureRahul Sharma never takes calls or replies to text messages on
frenzied Tuesday mornings. It's a day when he is busy attending
closed-door presentations by his sales team. An SMS, however, this
Tuesday made him break his rule.

