Placements: Day I of IIT-B sees top offer of Rs 80 lakh/ Silicon Valley's dirty secret out?

Placements: Day I of IIT-B sees top offer of Rs 80 lakh
News Picture Day 1 of placements at the premier IIT-Bombay on Saturday ended on a high note for many. It was evident from the status on Sriram Bhargav's Facebook page that read "placed at Samsung US/Korea". The firm is believed to have made the highest ..more
Silicon Valley dirty secret out?
News Picture When Randy Adams, 60, was looking for a chief-executive officer job in Silicon Valley last year, he got turned down from position after position that he thought he was going to nail - only to see much younger, less-experienced men win out.

Why is Facebook not always fun

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Posting pictures of yourself plastered at a party and talking trash online with your Facebook friends may be more stress than it's worth now that your boss and mum want to see it all. 
A survey from Edinburgh Business School released showed..more

Review: Samsung Galaxy Camera
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Interesting things are afoot in the consumer electronics industry. The phones as we know them have changed. The computers as we know them are changing due to tablets. Everything is getting smart and gaining ability to connect to the web. There are sm..more

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 Bharti Airtel today launched an emergency alert service, enabling its subscribers to send alert message with location details to 10 mobile numbers. 
"During an emergency, Airtel mobile customers can now send an alert with their g..more
