President launches low cost Aakash-2 tablet at Rs 1,130/ iPhone 5 a success, but is Apple losing its sheen?

President launches low cost Aakash-2 tablet at Rs 1,130
News Picture The advanced version of low cost tablet Aakash was launched here today by President Pranab Mukherjee.

Coming at a price tag of Rs 1,130 for students, the new version 'Aakash 2', which will be made available to students of engineering ..more
iPhone 5 a success, but is Apple losing its sheen?
News Picture Apple, the world's biggest and perhaps most admired company, seems to have lost some of its luster.Despite the hugely successful launch of the iPhone 5and iPad mini tablet, shares in the California tech giant have slid some 20 percent ..more
Review: Sony Xperia ion -- behind the times
News Picture Recently, Sony launched its new flagship phone in India, the Xperia ion at Rs 36,999. Though a good handset by all means, it was behind the times even at the time of its launch - both in India, as well as globally. Sony Xperia ion..more
HTC, Apple reach global settlement
News Picture Taiwan's leading smartphone maker HTC said Sunday it has reached a global settlement with technology giant Apple, bringing an end to all  outstanding litigation between the two companies.The deal includes a 10-year licensing agreement ..more
Video game sales in US dip 25% in October
News Picture A research firm says US retail sales of new video game hardware, software and accessories fell 25 percent in October.The drop marks the 11th straight month of declining sales for physical game products. Many gamers are waiting for big holiday release..more
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