Apple launches iPad in India at Rs 30,500 / Infosys wage freeze has to do with high bench they have

Apple launches iPad in India at Rs 30,500
News Picture Apple's new iPad, with a price tag of Rs 30,500-Rs 50,900, hit the Indian market Friday.

The tablet features a new retina display, Apple's new A5X chip with quad-core graphics and a 5 megapixel iSight camera and 1080pH..more
Infosys wage freeze has to do with high bench they have
News Picture Viju George, Executive Director, JPMorgan, in a chat shares his views on IT earnings.

All four large companies have declared their numbers. There is a huge disparity between what TCS has guided, whatInfosys has ad..more
Intel India to mentor 7,000 girls
News Picture Intel India will mentor up to 7,000 girls through its Technology and Entrepreneurship Program launched recently in the Capital, says Shelly Esque, vice president at Intel, global director of the company's corporate affairs group and pr..more
11 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Gmail's New Interface
News Picture An easy fix, head to your Settings button and select a display density. 'Compact' makes your inbox shrink down to a tidy, manageable list.New Gmail launched to all users on April 23, and a lot people are still getting used to the new look. If you don..more
Google offers 15,000 3D 'photo tours'
News Picture  Google has created 15,000 free 'photo tours' of world landmarks, which create a '3D' scene from tourist photographs.

Google has 'built' 3D panoramas of each scene by using public photographs from its Picasa's photo-sh..more
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