Apple unveils Mac OS X Mountain Lion for developers/Facebook follows Twitter, launches verified accounts

Today's Top Tech News
Apple unveils Mac OS X Mountain Lion for developersApple has released details of Mac OS X Mountain Lion, its next generation operating system for Mac computers. Mountain Lion has been released to developers today and should be available for consumers this summer. The new OS incorporates a number of features that jive nicely with iOS, including iCloud sign up and a Messages app that takes the place of iChat, allowing you to continue conversations started on Ma..

'msnNOW' a new trend tracking service by MSN
Microsoft is hooking up with a hipper sidekick to broaden its appeal and stay on top of the Internet's hottest topics.

The trend-tracking service, called "msnNOW," tunes ..

BuiltWith Reveals The Tech Used By The 130 Million Web Sites That Matter Most
Search engines like Google scour the web to figure out how to rank content. Measurement firms like comScore sample users to estimate traffic to web sites. But what if you want to know which of some 20..

Facebook follows Twitter, launches verified accounts
Facebook is to roll out a new verification service for celebrities on the site, offering them the chance to use a nickname if they so wish.Unlike Twitter's verification service, there won't be any bad..

YouTube Adds More Google+ Integration & Improves Annotations
YouTube is announcing more Google+ integration today. You can now prominently promote their Google+ profiles on your YouTube channel alongside other social feeds. You can also share videos and playlis..

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